About Us

Vision Statement

To be the unifying voice of all Christians in Nigeria, amplifying their views, interests and enhancing the spiritual development of all followers of Christ.

Mission Statement

To connect people to Jesus and one another by helping them to grow their faith, finding the true essence of Christianity and build healthy Christian relationships.

To foster ecumenism by uniting all denominations in the body of Christ so as to promote understanding, peace, unity and mutual respect.

To build a great nation for all people through gospel movement, community formation, social justice and cultural renewal.


To serve as a basis of response to the unity of the Church, especially as contained in our Lord’s
pastoral prayer: ‘’That they all may be one’’. ( John 17 : 21)

To promote understanding, peace and unity among the various people and strata of society in
Nigeria, through the propagation of the Gospel.

To act as a liaison committee, by means of which its member-churches can consult together and
when necessary, make common statement and take common actions.

To act as watch-man of the spiritual and moral welfare of the nation.


Feel free to download the CAN Constitution